Book Review | Novelist as a Profession by Haruki Murakami, Switch Publishing, 2015

Novelist as a Profession by Haruki Murakami is an auto-biographical essay (on the afterword, mentioned by Murakami). This essay treats themes of novelist, novel, literature, writing, art, school education and life. On this essay Murakami told how he lived, spent his life, wrote novels, think about literature and novel. Anyway, as a result, for readers, this essay Murakami told readers how to write novel and induced them to write a novel. But it is not a usual “how to” book or a guide book at all.

On this essay, Murakami wrote honestly his experience, way of life, thought and policy. He didn’t want to be a novelist seriously. At first, he had no enthusiasm to write novel. He ran a jazz cafe or bar, and earned a sufficient amount of money. Some epiphanies, chances and lucks made him a novelist. Also he continued to write novels of his own will.

Murakami is an ordinary and modest person, also is uncategorized and unconventional individual. He was a usual student, spent a daily life as an ordinary and normal citizen. Also he isn’t a stereotyped great writer or artist.

Murakami’s policy is such as a policy of non-policy or non-rule. He live and write by spontaneousness, freedom and nature. He doesn’t depend on any authorities, academism and large systems. He live his life the way he like. He doesn’t interest in any prizes and the Japanese literature scene. So he migrated to foreign countries, and made a distance to the Japanese literature scene.

His policy links to his way of writing and the content of his works. He writes his novels the way he like. He writes a novel by rhythm and free improvisation like jazz. He doesn’t set a heavy and proper theme, a strict plan and fixed personalities of characters. His policy and way of writing made the “voice” echoes with the hearts of readers.

Murakami wrote his novels for himself, “writing for enjoy myself as my basic stance” (p. 269). So the title of a novel by an imaginary writer Derek Heartfield in Murakami’s debut novel Hear the Wind Sing is “What’s Wrong About Feeling Good ?” (p. 270), it expressed the sense of incongruity to the Japanese literature scene.

Murakami has been enjoyed writing and wrote by his spontaneousness from his debut until now. And he has no desire to become a novelist or to succeed in a novel, and there’s any limitations. He alway wrote a novel by a plentiful and spontaneous pleasure. So he can own “a natural feeling that I’m free” and “free and natural feeling” (p. 111), and he thinks his originality caused by freedom.

On the other hand, Murakami has will and durability to write story, and his original way of work. He had been built his own style of writing and his original grand narrative by trial and error. When he write a long novel 5 hours in early morning everyday. And he trains the body and keeps his physical strength without fail. He founded healthy life for writing. He thinks to complete a long novel it’s necessary of concentration and durability.

Murakami is only a novelist and a creator. He isn’t good at analyse and criticize things like a scholar, also he want not his works analysed and criticized by scholars and critics. He won’t be a councillor or a literature prize, also he isn’t interested in any prizes. Over almost 40 years, he only wrote novels and texts. He only want to enjoy writing a novel. Murakami thinks he is only an ordinary person has a certain measure of capacity to write a novel, but by some chances and accidents made him a novelist, and by his will and durability he continued to write novels. I think Murakami told that “everyone can write a novel and become a novelist”. As a matter of fact, by this book, you should want to write a novel or create something.

A spring clear afternoon, Murakami visited the 1978 opening game of the Central League at an outfield stand of the Jingu Stadium, Tokyo. When the first batter of Yakult Swallows, Dave Hilton hit a fine double, an epiphany fell into Murakami, then he realized “That’s it, maybe, I can write a novel !” at the moment. (pp. 46 – 47) This essay makes you want to write a novel or want to do a creation. Like Murakami realized “That’s it, maybe, I can write a novel !”, to read this essay, you may realize “That’s it, maybe, I can write a novel !”.

Product Details

Novelist as a Profession
Haruki Murakami
Switch Publishing, Tokyo, 10 September 2015
313 pages, JPY 1944
ISBN 9784884184438

  1. Are Novelists Tolerant Persons?
  2. When I Became a Novelist
  3. About Literature Awards
  4. On Originality
  5. Well, What Should I Write?
  6. Taking Side with Time: To Write Long Novels
  7. Extremely Individual and Physical Activity
  8. About School
  9. How Characters That I Should Present?
  10. Who is I Write for?
  11. Going Abroad: The New Frontier
  12. Place a Story Is in: Memories of Dr. Hayao Kawai

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Note | Locke’s Empiricist Epistemology

Criticism of Notion of Innate Ideas

John Locke’s question about epistemology or metaphysics was what is our origin of knowledge of nature and moral. Also what things we can be certain they are knowledge.

Locke denied the rationalist notion of innate ideas. The reason of the notion of innate ideas is all men already have ideas by nature. But Locke thought children don’t know complex ideas like law of contradiction or law of excluded middle. Even ideas of justice or the God should be known or made by knowledge or thinking. All of ideas must be made by men through a path. Locke named the path experience .

Locke’s Epistemology

Sensations such as white, sweet and rough we feel by the five senses, Locke called impression . The stuff, temporary impression is fixed, Locke called idea .

Human mind at birth is a tabula rasa (blank slate). Sense and reflection as workings of mind describe ideas on tabula rasa. Sense produces ideas about external things such as white, black, hot or cool. Reflection produces ideas about function of mind such as thinking, perception or will.

Ideas given by sense and reflection, are named simple ideas . The mind makes a complex idea by some simple ideas.

Locke confirmed intuitive knowledge and demonstrative knowledge based on mutual comparison among ideas are certain, and established the basis of empirical science.

Substance and Primary Quality / Secondary Quality

Locke limited certain knowledge is made by ideas on the range of perception.

Although Locke insisted substances and the God are exist in the outside of mind. Primary quantities are objective qualities such as solid body, extension or motion. Secondary qualities are qualities of which primary qualities affect a mind and associated by/in mind.

Locke’s notion of substances and qualities may be a remain of Descartes’ dualism or his desire for the truth (correspondence between subject and object).


Jean-François Revel, Histoire de la philosophie occidentale (Nil Éditions, 1994)

Luc Ferry & Claude Capelier, La plus belle histoire de la philosophie (Éditions Points, 2014)

Roger-Pol Droit, Une brève histoire de la philosophie (Flammarion, 2008)

Bertrand Russell, The History of Western Philosophy (Simon & Schuster, 1972)

Nigel Warburton, A Little History of Philosophy (Yale University Press, 2011)

Roger Scruton, A Short History of Modern Philosophy (Routledge, 2002)

Gen Kida, History of Anti-Philosophy (Kodansha Academic Library, 2000)

Seiji Takeda & Ken Nishi, The First Histoty of Philosophy: To Think Profoundly (Yuhikaku, 1998)

Shigeto Nuki, Illustrated & Standard History of Philosophy (Shinshokan, 2008)

Shigeto Nuki, Philosophy Map (Chikuma New Books, 2004)

Sumihiko Kumano, The History of Western Philosophy: From The Modern Ages to The Present Day (Iwanami New Books, 2006)

Thierry Paquot & François Pépin, Dictionnaire Larousse de la Philosophie (Éditions Larousse, 2011)

Simon Blackburn, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition Revised), (Oxford University Press, 2008)

Robert Audi, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition), (Cambridge University Press, 1995)

Thomas Mautner, The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition), (Penguin Books, 2005)

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Note | Leibniz’s Monadology

To Solve Descartes’ Problem

To solve the contradiction of Descartes’ dualism, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz illustrated innumerable, undivided and minimum substances monad (from French monade).

It’s opposite direction of investigation to the monism of Baruch Spinoza. Spinoza’s substance as the God is independent, eternal and finite, so it is self-caused and is the one covers everything. But to explain diversity of the world, it’s more natural that there are innumerable monad than there’s the one substance.


Monad owns unlimited connections and is unified by power. Monad exists by to reflect unlimited interconnections among monad and the entire universe. Monad is living mirror of the universe, is not an only a point of space. In stead of independent substance by Descartes or Spinoza, monad has independent motion. Monad is substance can move by itself. Atom of Democritus or Lucretius is minimal physical particle can be divided. Differ from atom, monad is immaterial, unphysical and undivided essence to construct things.

Monad is a sensual thing, so it causes voluntary motion or change. Monad is subject of motion, and its condition is developed and changed by an internal principle of itself.

Changing of monad is not related to and is not affected by other monads. So, Leibniz stated “Monads are windowless”. Monad is not being or existence, it’s the motion is consist of mind and things.

By their function of “expression”, monads realize the diversity of the world. Monads can’t be changed by each other. Monad reflects and expresses the whole universe, there’s no diversity and differences of meaning or content. But monads are varied by differences of a perspective reflects in the whole and in a degree of awakening.


Jean-François Revel, Histoire de la philosophie occidentale (Nil Éditions, 1994)

Luc Ferry & Claude Capelier, La plus belle histoire de la philosophie (Éditions Points, 2014)

Roger-Pol Droit, Une brève histoire de la philosophie (Flammarion, 2008)

Bertrand Russell, The History of Western Philosophy (Simon & Schuster, 1972)

Nigel Warburton, A Little History of Philosophy (Yale University Press, 2011)

Roger Scruton, A Short History of Modern Philosophy (Routledge, 2002)

Gen Kida, History of Anti-Philosophy (Kodansha Academic Library, 2000)

Seiji Takeda & Ken Nishi, The First Histoty of Philosophy: To Think Profoundly (Yuhikaku, 1998)

Shigeto Nuki, Illustrated & Standard History of Philosophy (Shinshokan, 2008)

Shigeto Nuki, Philosophy Map (Chikuma New Books, 2004)

Sumihiko Kumano, The History of Western Philosophy: From The Ancient to The Middle Ages (Iwanami New Books, 2006)

Sumihiko Kumano, The History of Western Philosophy: From The Modern Ages to The Present Day (Iwanami New Books, 2006)

Thierry Paquot & François Pépin, Dictionnaire Larousse de la Philosophie (Éditions Larousse, 2011)

Simon Blackburn, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition Revised), (Oxford University Press, 2008)

Robert Audi, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition), (Cambridge University Press, 1995)

Thomas Mautner, The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition), (Penguin Books, 2005)

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