Commentaire de la musique | Œuvres de George Winston


George Winston est un pianiste et compositeur américain né en 1949. Il est un pionnier de la musique instrumentale contemporaine et de la musique New Age.

Ses racines musicales sont diverses. L’approche mélodique qu’il a développée, appelée “piano folklorique rural”, est influencée par le piano stride et le rythme de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Il est également influencé par le piano stride et le Rythme et Blues de la Nouvelle-Orléans. En outre, sa musique et son esprit ont été inspirés par les Doors.

Il a trouvé et établi son style unique de piano contemporain (ce n’est ni du classique ni du jazz, mais c’est du classique et du jazz en même temps) avec “Autumn”, “Winter into Spring” et “December”, sortis chez Windham Hill.

Ses progressions d’accords, ses harmonies et ses accompagnements sont basiques et habituels. Mais ses mélodies et son style émotionnel au piano sont uniques. Sentimental et émouvant, mais doux et relaxant, mais aussi sérieux.

Sa musique, en particulier les albums “Winter into Spring” et “December”, est la musique la plus précieuse, la plus pure, la plus respectable et la plus douce au monde, selon moi.

Il est décédé le 4 juin 2023 après avoir lutté contre le cancer pendant 10 ans.

RIP George Winston

Le musicien et la personne les plus précieux et les plus respectables.

Albums solo

Piano Solos (Takoma, 1972)

“Piano Solos” est le premier album de George Winston. (Lorsqu’il a été réédité par Windham Hill en 1981, il a été renommé “Ballads and Blues”). Cet album de quinze titres est composé de cinq reprises et de dix chansons originales de George Winston. Sept chansons sont des stride piano ou R&B à tempo élevé, dynamiques et funky, et sept chansons sont des Folk song douces et nostalgiques ou des Ballades traditionnelles, d’ailleurs “Untitled” peut être classé dans un genre spécifique.

La musique n’est pas assez raffinée et polie. Mais on peut y trouver ses bases et ses racines, et le jaillissement de son génie.

Autumn (Windham Hill//Dancing Cat, 1980)

“Autumn” est le deuxième album de George Winston et en fait son premier album à l’échelle nationale. Il a été publié par le label New Age Windham Hill en 1980. Il s’agit d’un album à huit pistes, dont toutes les chansons ont été composées par Winston.

Après la sortie de son premier album, sa musique et son style ont été polis et affinés. Les compositions sont devenues sophistiquées, sérieuses et de goût contemporain. Les jeux de piano sont émotionnels, habiles et contrôlés.

Le premier morceau, “Colors/Dance”, est une combinaison de chansons douces à tempo moyen et de chansons rafraîchissantes à tempo élevé. Il représente le nouveau style original du groupe.

“Road” est une chanson sérieuse mais lumineuse, mais elle reste fidèle à ses racines, la chanson folk américaine.

“Longing/Love” et “Moon” sont des chansons sérieuses et sentimentales uniques et emblématiques.

“Sea” et “Stars” sont également des chansons sérieuses et sentimentales, et il présente sa propre approche mélodique du “piano folklorique rural” avec une technique de piano spirituelle et très habile.

Winston a démontré dans cet album son style unique de composition et de piano.

(La version rééditée par son propre label Dancing Cat, sortie en 1992, comprend le CD du volume 2 qui contient trois reprises des Doors).

1 Colors/Dance 10:25
2 Woods 6:47
3 Longing/Love 9:10
4 Road 4:14
5 Moon 7:44
6 Sea 2:42
7 Stars 5:36
Durée totale: 46:38

Winter into Spring (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1982)

Le troisième album, “Winter into Spring”, sorti en 1982, est l’œuvre la plus représentative et la plus emblématique de George Winston. Avec cet album, il a complètement établi son style unique de composition et de jeu au piano.

Si sentimental et triste, mais aussi vif, dur et passionné, mais très doux et sincère, mais tout à fait nouveau, rafraîchissant et réfléchi, l’un des plus grands solos de piano, et l’une des musiques ultimes. Elle est unique, contemporaine et éternellement nouvelle, mais aussi commune, perpétuelle et universelle. Un sommet de George Winston, le jeu de piano est émotionnel, très dur, habile et achevé.

“January Star” montre sa composition sérieuse et sentimentale unique et emblématique, ainsi que ses mélodies. Le jeu de piano est passionné et mélancolique.

“Reflection” doit être sa chanson représentative. Une chanson très sentimentale et grave, mais aussi pleine de gentillesse et de fraîcheur.

“Blossom/Meadow” est une chanson douce, sucrée et lumineuse, mais sentimentale et nostalgique, qui conserve un goût de musique folklorique.

Le chef-d’œuvre de George Winston et la musique pour piano solo d’aujourd’hui. Cet album est un trésor perpétuel de la musique dans le monde.

1 January Stars 6:32
2 February Sea 5:15
3 Ocean Waves (O Mar) 7:08
4 Reflection 2:40
5 Rain/Dance 10:05
6 Blossom/Meadow 4:13
7 The Venice Dreamer Part One – Introduction 2:19
8 The Venice Dreamer Part Two 5:46
Durée totale: 43:45

December (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1982)

“December” est un album de 12 titres sorti à la fin de l’année 1982 en tant qu’album de Noël. Les huit chansons sont des reprises ou des chansons traditionnelles.

Cet album très triste et pathétique exprime l’atmosphère du mois de décembre et de l’hiver profond, ainsi que la gratitude et l’amour pour la grâce de Dieu. Dans cet album, on retrouve en premier lieu sa tendance à la musique classique, en second lieu sa tendance à la musique folklorique américaine, ainsi qu’un goût chrétien. L’ambiance générale des compositions est sentimentale et triste, mais certaines chansons sont chaleureuses et douces. Les touches de piano sont douces, tendres et équilibrées. C’est l’aspect alternatif de George Winston.

“Thanksgiving” est la chanson représentative de Winston. Malgré le titre, la chanson est si sentimentale, triste et introspective. C’est pourquoi j’ai ressenti la gratitude envers Dieu à travers cette chanson.

“Variations sur le Kanon de Pachelbel” est la célèbre interprétation de Winston lors de ses concerts.

Je pense que cet album est un autre chef-d’œuvre et un sommet de George Winston, à côté de “Winter into Spring”.

1 Thanksgiving 4:04
2 Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head (John Jacob Niles) 2:40
3 Joy (J. S. Bach) 3:13
4 Prelude 1:16
5 Carol of the Bells (M. D. Leontovych) 3:56
6 Night, Part One: Snow (Malcolm Dalglish) 1:51
7 Night, Part Two: Midnight (Malcolm Dalglish) 1:56
8 Night, Part Three: Minstrels (Malcolm Dalglish) 2:00
9 Variations on the Kanon by Johann Pachelbel (Johann Pachelbel) 5:21
10 The Holly and the Ivy (Traditional) 4:52
11 Some Children See Him (Alfred S. Burt) 3:43
12 Peace 4:02
Durée totale: 38:54

Summer (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1991)

“Summer” est l’album de George Winston sorti en 1991. L’album est composé de quinze titres dont huit sont des reprises.

Dans cet album, on retrouve les goûts de la musique country et de la musique traditionnelle ou folklorique américaine. L’ambiance générale des chansons est lumineuse et joyeuse, calme et relaxante, nostalgique et très douce. Le jeu de piano est joyeux, calme et rafraîchissant. Il associe le paysage et l’atmosphère de l’été du sud des États-Unis.

Un très bon album, mon album préféré. Winston a exprimé sa sensation particulière de l’été.

1 Living in the Country (Pete Seeger) 3:51
2 Loreta and Desirée’s Bouquet (Part 1) 4:04
3 Loreta and Desirée’s Bouquet (Part 2) 3:28
4 Fragrant Fields (Art Lande) 4:01
5 The Garden (Dominic Frontiere) 3:07
6 Spring Creek (Philip Aaberg) 4:08
7 Lullaby (Steve Fergeson) 3:25
8 The Black Stallion (Carmine Coppola) 3:49
9 Hummingbird 5:07
10 Early Morning Range 2:59
11 Living Without You (Randy Newman) 6:01
12 Goodbye, Montana (Part 1) 2:14
13 Corrina, Corrina (Traditional) 4:24
14 Goodbye, Montana (Part 2) 3:11
15 Where Are You Now 3:36
Durée totale: 57:10

Forest (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1994)

Un album de piano solo ( ?) de George Winston sorti en 1994.

Un album de 16 pistes, et sept chansons sont des reprises ou des chansons composées par d’autres compositeurs, et deux chansons sont des chansons traditionnelles. Cet album a un goût de musique folklorique et contemporaine, ni classique ni jazz. Et je pense qu’il correspond le plus au nom de genre “New Age” dans ses œuvres. (Certaines compositions ressemblent à celles de Joe Hisaishi.

“Tamarack Pines” est une chanson unique composée d’un collage fragmentaire de jeux de piano, de cordes de piano pincées, de bruits de touches de semelles, de bruits de bourdonnement et de tapotements sur le corps du piano.

“Walking in the Sky” est composée par Howard Blake, mais la composition et le jeu sont dans le style iconique de George Winston et c’est la meilleure chanson de cet album avec des riffs thématiques impressionnants.

Plains (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1999)

Un album de dix-huit titres sorti en 1999. Quatorze chansons sont des reprises. Quatre chansons, “Graduation”, “Rainsong (Fortune’s Lullaby)”, “Cloudburst” et “Plains (Eastern Montana Blues)” sont des compositions originales de Winston.

Les chansons ont un goût folk, traditionnel et/ou country. Je pense qu’il s’agit d’une suite à la série des “Four Seasons”. Cet album ressemble particulièrement à “Summer” (1991).

“Cloudburst” est la chanson “New Age style” qui ressemble aux compositions de “Winter into Spring”.

Un album de Winston agréable, général et d’une qualité irréprochable. Il s’écoute facilement et reste détendu. Vous pouvez être très satisfait de la musique de Winston.

Montana : A Love Story (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 2004)

Quatorzième album de George Winston sorti en 2004. Un album de dix-sept titres. Six chansons sont des compositions originales. Les autres sont des reprises et des chansons traditionnelles. Cet album est un respect pour ses racines musicales, la musique folk américaine et la musique traditionnelle, et un amour pour sa ville natale, le Montana.

L’ambiance de cet album est pleine de musique folk, de musique traditionnelle américaine, de nostalgie et de tendresse. Les reprises sont des chansons Country, R&B, Pops et traditionnelles. Mais elles sont arrangées selon le goût de Winston et exprimées selon le style de Winston.

“Valse Frontenac” est une composition originale, une chanson très douce, jolie et rafraîchissante.

La reprise de “You Send Me” de Sam Cooke est une interprétation unique, elle est devenue une douce chanson folk.

“Kojo no Tsuki” de Kotaro Taki est une interprétation simple qui fait bon usage de la composition originale.

“Sky” est une composition originale, un enregistrement impressionnant et magnifique grâce à un jeu de piano délicat et sensible avec peu de tonalités et un esprit doux et sincère.

Un album moyen et de bonne qualité de George Winston. Cette musique douce et simple est idéale pour se reposer, se détendre et se rafraîchir.

Ressources et liens

The Official George Winston Site

RCA Records – George Winston

American Piano Music – George Winston


Wikipedia (EN)



Facebook Page



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Music Review | Works of George Winston


George Winston was an American pianist and composer born in 1949. He was a pioneer of the contemporary instrumental music and New Age music.

His musical roots are various. The melodic approach he developed, that is called “rural folk piano”. And he is influenced by stride piano and New Orleans Rhythm and Blues. Besides his music and spirit were inspired by the Doors.

He found and established his unique contemporary piano style (It’s neither classical nor jazz, but it’s classical and jazz at the same time.) by “Autumn”, “Winter into Spring” and “December” were released by Windham Hill.

His chord progressions, harmonies and backings are basic and usual. But his melodies and emotional piano play style are very unique and only one. Sentimental and melancholic but gentle and relaxing also serious.

His music, especially the albums “Winter into Spring” and “December”, is the most precious, pure, respectable and sweet music in the world, I think.

He passed away in June 4, 2023 after the struggle with cancer for 10 years.

RIP George Winston

The most prescious and respectable musician and person.


Piano Solos (Takoma, 1972)

“Piano Solos” is the debut album of George Winston. (When it was reissued by Windham Hill in 1981, it renamed “Ballads and Blues”.) A fifteen tracked album is consist of five covered songs and ten original songs by him. Seven songs are high-tempo, dynamic and funky stride piano or R&B, and seven songs are gentle and nostalgic Folk song or traditional Ballad, moreover “Untitled” can be classified the specific genre.

The music isn’t refined and polished enough. But you can find his basis and roots, and the spout of his genius.

Autumn (Windham Hill//Dancing Cat, 1980)

“Autumn” is George Winston’s second album and actually nationwide debut album, was released by New Age label Windham Hill in 1980. An eight tracked album, and all songs were composed by Winston.

After the release of the debut, his music and its style was polished and refined. The compositions became sophisticated, serious and have contemporary taste. The piano playings are emotional also skilful and controlled.

The first track, “Colors/Dance” is a combination of middle-tempo gentle and hi-tempo refreshing song. It represents his band-new original style.

“Road” is a serious but bright song, but in it remains his root, American folk song.

“Longing/Love” and “Moon” is his unique and iconic serious and sentimental song.

“Sea” and “Stars” are also serious and sentimental song, and he presents his own “rural folk piano” melodic approach with spiritual and great skilful piano technique.

Winston developed showed his unique composition and piano style by this album.

(The reissued version by his own label Dancing Cat, released in 1992 includes the volume 2 CD that contains three cover songs of the Doors.)

1 Colors/Dance 10:25
2 Woods 6:47
3 Longing/Love 9:10
4 Road 4:14
5 Moon 7:44
6 Sea 2:42
7 Stars 5:36
Total Length: 46:38

Winter into Spring (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1982)

The third album, “Winter into Spring” released in 1982, is the most representative and iconic work of George Winston. By this album, he completely established his unique piano composition and play style.

So sentimental and sorrowful, also keen, hard and passionate, but very sweet and heartfelt, but brand-new, refreshing and reflective, one of greatest piano solo music, and one of ultimate music. And it’s unique and only one, contemporary and eternally new, also common, perpetual and universal. A peak of George Winston, the piano play is emotional, most hard, skilful and completed.

“January Star” shows his unique and iconic serious and sentimental composition and its melodies. The piano play is passionate also melancholic.

“Reflection” must be his representative song. A very sentimental and grave song also have a kindness and a freshness too.

“Blossom/Meadow” is a gentle, sweet and bright but sentimental and nostalgic song, in it remains a folk music taste.

The masterpiece of George Winston and today’s piano solo music. This album is a perpetual treasure of music in the world.

1 January Stars 6:32
2 February Sea 5:15
3 Ocean Waves (O Mar) 7:08
4 Reflection 2:40
5 Rain/Dance 10:05
6 Blossom/Meadow 4:13
7 The Venice Dreamer Part One – Introduction 2:19
8 The Venice Dreamer Part Two 5:46
Total Length: 43:45

December (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1982)

“December” is a 12 tracked album released in the end of 1982 as a Christmas album. The eight songs are cover song or traditional song.

Very sorrowful, sad and pathetic album expresses the atmosphere of December and deep winter, also gratitude and love for the grace of God. In this album there’s primary his Classical music tendency, secondary his American Folk music tendency also coexists Christian taste. The entire mood of compositions is sentimental and sorrowful but some songs are warm and gentle. The piano touches are mild, tender and balanced. It’s the alternate aspect of George Winston.

“Thanksgiving” is Winston’s representative song. Despite the title, the song is so sentimental, sorrowful and introspective. Therefore, I felt the gratitude for God, by this song.

“Variations on the Kanon by Pachelbel” is the famous performance of Winston, on his concerts.

I think this album is another masterpiece and peak of George Winston next to “Winter into Spring”.

1 Thanksgiving 4:04
2 Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head (John Jacob Niles) 2:40
3 Joy (J. S. Bach) 3:13
4 Prelude 1:16
5 Carol of the Bells (M. D. Leontovych) 3:56
6 Night, Part One: Snow (Malcolm Dalglish) 1:51
7 Night, Part Two: Midnight (Malcolm Dalglish) 1:56
8 Night, Part Three: Minstrels (Malcolm Dalglish) 2:00
9 Variations on the Kanon by Johann Pachelbel (Johann Pachelbel) 5:21
10 The Holly and the Ivy (Traditional) 4:52
11 Some Children See Him (Alfred S. Burt) 3:43
12 Peace 4:02
Total Length: 38:54

Summer (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1991)

“Summer” is George Winston’s album released in 1991. The album is consist of fifteen tracks and eight tracks are cover songs.

In this album, it exists Country Music and American Traditional or Folk Music tastes. The whole mood of songs is bright and happy, calm and relaxing, nostalgic and very sweet. The piano play is joyful, calm and refreshing. It associates the scenery and atmosphere of summer of the South of the USA.

A very good album, my favourite album. Winston expressed his peculiar sensation of the summer.

1 Living in the Country (Pete Seeger) 3:51
2 Loreta and Desirée’s Bouquet (Part 1) 4:04
3 Loreta and Desirée’s Bouquet (Part 2) 3:28
4 Fragrant Fields (Art Lande) 4:01
5 The Garden (Dominic Frontiere) 3:07
6 Spring Creek (Philip Aaberg) 4:08
7 Lullaby (Steve Fergeson) 3:25
8 The Black Stallion (Carmine Coppola) 3:49
9 Hummingbird 5:07
10 Early Morning Range 2:59
11 Living Without You (Randy Newman) 6:01
12 Goodbye, Montana (Part 1) 2:14
13 Corrina, Corrina (Traditional) 4:24
14 Goodbye, Montana (Part 2) 3:11
15 Where Are You Now 3:36
Total Length: 57:10

Forest (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1994)

A piano solo album (?) by George Winston released in 1994.

A 16 tracked album, and seven songs are cover songs or songs composed by other composers, and two songs are traditional songs. This album has Folk Music and contemporary taste, neither Classical and Jazz. And I think, it matched most the genre name “New Age” in his works. (But Winston rejected the labelling “New Age” to his music.) Some of compositions resemble them by Joe Hisaishi.

“Tamarack Pines” is unique song made of a fragmental collage of piano plays, plucks piano strings, sole touches noises, hummer noises and taps the piano body.

“Walking in the Sky” is composed by Howard Blake, but the composition and the play is iconic style of George Winston and the best song of this album with impressive theme riffs.

Plains (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 1999)

An eighteen-tracked album released in 1999. Fourteen songs are cover songs. Four songs, “Graduation”, “Rainsong (Fortune’s Lullaby)”, “Cloudburst” and “Plains (Eastern Montana Blues)” are original compositions by Winston.

The songs have a Folk, Traditional and/or Country taste. And, I think the subsequent work to the “Four Seasons series”. Especially this album resembles “Summer” (1991).

“Cloudburst” is the “New Age style” song is similar to compositions in “Winter into Spring”.

A nice, general and entirely high-quality album of Winston. It’s easy to listen, and stay on relax. You can be quite satisfied with Winston’s music.

Montana: A Love Story (Windham Hill/Dancing Cat, 2004)

George Winston fourteenth album released in 2004. A seventeen-tracked album. Six songs are original compositions. Other songs are cover songs and traditional songs. This album is a respect for the one of his musical roots American Folk music and Traditional music, and love for his hometown, Montana

The entire mood of this album is full of Folk Music, American Traditional Music, and nostalgic and tender taste. Cover songs are Country, R&B, Pops and traditional songs. But they are arranged by Winston’s taste and expressed by Winston’s style.

“Valse Frontenac” is an original composition, a very sweet, pretty and refreshing song.

The cover of “You Send Me” by Sam Cooke is a unique interpretation, it became a gentle Folk song.

“Kojo no Tsuki” by Kotaro Taki is a simple interpretation make good use of the original composition.

“Sky” is an original composition, an impressive and beautiful recording by a delicate and sensitive piano play by few tone and heartfelt and gentle mind.

An average and good quality album of George Winston. The gentle and simple music is good for rest, relaxing and refreshing.

Resources and Links

The Official George Winston Site

RCA Records – George Winston

American Piano Music – George Winston


Wikipedia (EN)



Facebook Page



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Music Review | Works of Henning Schmiedt


Henning Schmiedt is Berlin based composer-pianist, born in 1965. His characteristics is the combination of orthodox piano composing and harmony, piano playing deeply influenced by jazz improvisation and sound and recording approaches of new and digital technologies.

Solo Albums

Klavierraum (FLAU, 2008)

“Klavierraum” is Henning Schmiedt’s album released from FLAU in 2008, the label is managed by Japanese Electronica artist “aus”.

This album is consist of 15 tracks, and almost tracks were made by improvisational piano solo and electronic ambience or noise. His piano improvisation play is deeply influenced by Jazz, but it includes pure and simple tone of classical music. And background electronic sound may be made with ambience part of piano effects, what is more he processed effects or Cycling 74′ MAX.

Theme of this album is his daily life. Almost songs are named by ordinary foods and daily things. So the songs is suitable for relaxing music and background music of noon or afternoon of our everyday life.

The track 12, “Kla” is classical composed song with very beautiful melody of Celtic taste, and when I listen this song I become peaceful and quiet state of mind. Also, the track 14 “Raum” is classical composed song too, features an impressive piano backing theme. A very beautiful and precious song. I associate gentle rain falling with to listen to this song.

About 10 years ago (2013 – 2014), “Raum” played repeatedly during 17:00 to 18:00 in my local shopping street. The street and the town looked very shine and happy to me. I felt very refreshed and happy.

Wolken (FLAU, 2009)

“Wolken” is a piano solo album of Henning Schmiedt released by Flau in 2009. It contains 12 tracks and 10 songs simply named Wolke plus a number (Eins, Zwei, Drei…) The songs were played by floating improvisational piano was influenced by Jazz. The piano tone is clear and sharp also gentle. The compositions are based on classical music and its structure, passage and backing. But he played by a swinging and swaying rhythm jazzy improvisation like the sun flickering and the harmonies have no heavy and dull Jazz mood.

And, so this music is a very bright, refreshing, cute and cheerful and original and unique music matches the ordinary life, a fine sunny day and a time of walking or shopping.

The cover art matches and correspond with this bright and refreshing music. I felt a clear blue sky, flexibly changing forms and traces of clouds (Wolke means cloud.), sun flickers on the sea and children’s pureness.

Spazieren (FLAU, 2011)

“Spazieren” is Henning Schmiedt’s piano solo album released in 2011 by FLAU. This album contains 29 tracks and each song may describe a scene of his strolling.

I think this album is his first authentic and orthodox piano album. Compositions are more classical and orthodox than former albums, and piano tones are very clear and usual. The songs own the traditional also today’s German atmosphere and echoe, like a green plain and a forest of the cover art. But they are not heavy and significant, are fresh, bright and brand-new.

Schnee (FLAU, 2012)

The album, “Schnee” released in 2012. All songs are basically a piano solo songs, but they are attached electronic noises and clicks, piano reflections and/or pads.

The songs and piano plays are expressed his characteristics, the combination of improvisation play influenced by Jazz, and classical bright harmonies. Also this album has a tendency to Jazz improvisation.

“Ein Ersten Stern” is a sweet song based on traditional and European ethnic melodies. “Weißer Tanz” is a melancholic but vivid song.

A nice and neutral fine work of Henning Schmiedt.

Walzer (FLAU, 2015)

“Walzer” is one of masterpieces of Post-classical and today’s piano solo music and I think the representative work of Henning Schmiedt. The songs are so sweet, elegant and precious, also melancholic but bright, cute but rigorous, innocent but nihilistic, significant but familiar. I think it shows the preciousness of our ordinary life.

The fruit of his music career and his life. He splendidly expressed his sense and technic of classical composition, and mixture of various memories and feelings. This album owns a tendency of this orthodox classical compositions, almost songs are three beat and waltz based compositions, but they are not dance music, slow gentle piano pieces. And they own the echo of German music (from Haydn, Beethoven, Wagner, Kraftwerk, NEU!, Andrea Berg to Monika Kruse).

The 2nd track, “Nowhere” expresses the sweetness of the loneliness. The 6th track “Wennschon, Dennschon” is a sweet and cute little waltz piano piece. The 8th track, “Hochzeitslied” must be a piece for weddings. But it has nihilistic feeling as a spice, so it become a so sweet and precious song. 12th track, “Duft von Astern” is a beautiful and delicate sweet piano piece is good for refleshing.

Again, this album is the excellent master-piece of today’s Post-classical piano solo music. I want all music fans to listen to it.

Schöneweide (FLAU, 2017)

This album features Henning Schmiedt’s tendency to classical music composition (Classical 7 : Jazz 3 or Classical 6 : Jazz 4). This album is also basically a piano solo album, but some songs their piano tones are added effectors, and are attached electronic and environmental noises, faint rhythms by electronic percussions, piano reflections including effects.

The mood of this album is more private, intimate, familiar and ennui touch to the former album. A refreshing and relaxing album, and a fine work of Henning Schmiedt.

Klavierraum, sp​ä​ter (FLAU, 2019)

Following to “Klavierraum” (2008), this album is an improvisational piano solo album deeply influenced by Jazz. Backs of the songs are attached synthesizer pads, environmental and electronic noises.

In this album, Schmiedt piano playing owns the Classical music tendency like “Schöneweide”, that is sophisticated and delicate also firm and well built, and the touches are few and carefully selected, compared with the former work “Klavierraum”.

“Guten” and “Morgen!” are pure gentle piano songs with no background pads and noises. A calm and reflective suit.

“3 Teelöffel Backpulver (Terekke Remix)” is a remix song (original one is in “Klavierraum”) of a piano collage, percussions of a rhythm machine, a synth bass and a pad.

“Du und Ich (Mono Fontana Reinterpretation)” is the piano play is dynamic compare with the original, and is attached collages of German chatting voices.

A calm and relaxing, refreshing and reflective album. A good work of Henning Schmiedt.

Schlafen (FLAU, 2020)

“Schlafen” (the word means “Sleeping”) is a piano solo album by Henning Schmiedt. This album inspired by J. S. Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”, and so he wanted to produce a music for sleeping.

The first track and the last track are arranged “Aria” (theme) of “Goldberg Variations”. And on other tracks, Schmiedt freely played his original improvisational variations of the theme like the style of Jazz. The play is obscure, vague and ennui but relaxing. The touches are few and simple. The harmonies are clear, there’s no cloudiness of Jazz.

The sound is natural and atmospheric. It includes key touch noises, hummer noises and studio reflection. Then they are edited by deep reverb and chorus effects.

A silent, insignificant and passionless but relaxing music is good for a sleeping, there are peaceful mind and mood. The taste of this album is similar to Ambient, New Age and Healing Music, but it’s certain that this is pure simple also serious piano work.

Piano Diary (FLAU, 2021)

An album of Henning Schmiedt released in 2021. A collection of various styles improvisational short piano pieces. Almost songs are piano solo, some songs were added a pad, environmental and street noises, and some effects, reverb, chorus or EQ.

He had been played and recorded one short piece everyday during staying home by pandemic. Compositions might not be written on sheet music. They are composed by improvisations and inputted and edited on DAW. So there’s a private and creative mood.

“25 to 7” is impressive nostalgic simple piano piece. The rhythm is swing, touches are bit intense and phrases are sweet.

“Half Past” is a simple and heartfelt song, also Schmiedt’s iconic precious, sweet and melancholic composition.

“Saturday 27th” is a Folk and Traditional music taste song that recalls George Winston.

“Moonlight” is an Ambient song with a piano and (a) pad(s) for a rest and relaxing.

“Friday Night” is Classical taste and refreshing song, but it has an apathetic mood.

“Much Later” is a beautiful and melancholic song of an improvisational piano play with layers of female and male voice pads.

“Too Early” is a song features pad chord sound like myst, piano chord backing and few high-tones ride on the pad. The nice arrangement and wonderfully beautiful song.

“Twentyfive Past Four” is Schmiedt’s characteristic swinging and fragmental, neutral and mindless piano piece that appeared on “Klavierraum” and “Wolken”.

“12:01 AM” is a pad chord loop based Electronica song. The pad sound is very slow attack and release and ambiguous by a reverb or some effects.

A very nice album. You can enjoy and ease off by various style songs.

Piano Miniatures (FLAU, 2022)

“Piano Miniatures” is a piano album by Henning Schmiedt, released in 2022. It is consist of fifteen short piano songs, and on half of them there are synth pad chord loops, one track is a piano with a strings ensemble and some tracks are piano solo but piano tones are arranged by compressor, chorus and reverb effectors. The pads are very high attack and release chord harmony loop with no chord progresssion or chord backings and high tone and the length of one cycle of loop or touches are eight or sixteen bar long, they already appeared on “Too Early” and “12:01 AM” of the former album “Piano Diary”.

“Stille Nacht” is a song of dynamic piano arpeggio and a strings ensemble accompaniment.

“Awake” is the “Wolken” style song with a pad loop.

“Sometime” is sweet and nostalgic also refreshing simple piano piece.

“Therefore” is a Classical but improvisational piano with a pad loop song.

“Because” has a melancholic and Jazz taste, an improvisational and dynamic piano solo piece.

“Flow” is a Classical piano piece has the German echo like the album “Spazieren”.

“Close” is a pad Ambient song with piano fragmental touches.

“Recently” is a plain and neutral but refreshing song.

This album has the neutral and bright tendency like the former album “Piano Diary”. And you can enjoy various tastes and style of Schmiedt’s music.

I recommend this album for who like “Piano Diary”.


bei (FLAU, 2017)

“bei” by Henning Schmiedt & Christoph Berg is an orthodox and Classical, but unique and rare Post-classical violin and piano duo album.

The plays of two players are improvisational and few notes, make use of intervals in time and space, piano and violin phrases crosse and utilize each other.

A very nice and only one piano and violin duo Post-classical album.

Resources und Links

Henning Schmiedt (Official Site, EN & DE)

Facebook Page

FLAU | Henning Schmiedt

Bandcamp | FLAU

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Post-classical, New Age, Ambient, Minimal Music, Electronica
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