Music Review | Works of Oskar Schuster


Oskar Schuster is a German composer and artist lives in Berlin. His characteristics is the composing has European fantastic, nostalgic, sweet and melancholic taste, and the mechanical but illusional, pretty and warm arrangement. His music suggests fantasy novels, children’s literature, fantasy tabletop and computer role-playing games and scenery of Europe in medieval times. His musical forms are piano solo, ensemble, Electronica and soundtrack.


Sneeuwland (2014)

(To be continued…)

Singur (2016)

“Singur” is the third piano-solo EP by Oskar Schuster, released in 2016. He played 111-year-old-piano, and he did all musical production processes, from composing to mastering.

There are very melancholic and tragic but passionate melodies, piano plays and their mood. But / so I felt the moments of refreshment and joy in some parts.

A very good and precious music for me, but it’s not for everyone.

Elix​í​a ((Self-released), 2019)

An eight tracked piano solo EP(?) by Oskar Schuster, released in 2019. The piano tone is cute and sweet like a glockenspiel. The entirely mood of this album is very fantastic, magical and melancholic. Also I felt a mechanical and artisan’s mood of Poland and Czech.

This music aesthetic, unique and only one, can be created by Schuster only.

Resources and Links

Oskar Schuster (Official Site)

15 questions – Oskar Schuster



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Music Review | Works of Lubomyr Melnyk


Lubomyr Melnyk born in Ukraine 1948, is mystic Ukrainian composer pianist. His characteristics is the hi-tempo, many touches and perfectly precise virtuoso arpeggio technique. It’s like a weave or a torrent of piano. His music is called “Continuous Piano Music”.


Corallaries (Erased Tapes, 2013)

“Corollaries” is his debut album from a UK label, Erased Tape.

“Pocket of Light” is a song of a sheet of arpeggio features female vocal like a murmur. A bright and simple song as him has neutral and relaxing mood.

“The Six Day Moment” is a song of his iconic virtuoso piano arpeggio. A dynamic and technical but bright song, also is easy to listen.

“Nightrail from the Sun” is a very high-tempo and minimal piano (and guitar?) arpeggio song coexists a very long tone flute or clarinet with effects.

One of very good works of Lubomyr Melnyk.

Evertina (Erased Tapes, 2014)

A three tracked EP released in 2014.

The title song “Evertina” is an elegant and gentle orthodox classical ballad song full of love.

“Butterfly” is a light and joyful song has a traditional or ethnic taste.

“Awaiting” is a slow elegant song. On the arrangement, Melnyk made use of echoes of chords.

A good work of Lubomyr Melnyk, in which you can hear the alternate elegant and melodic side of Melnyk.

Rivers and Streams (Erased Tapes, 2015)

An album “Rivers and Streams” by Lubomyr Melnyk, is his iconic and representative album, I think. There’s his specific weave or river of virtuoso arpeggio in all tracks.

All songs based of the arpeggios, but tastes of songs are various.

“Parasol” is a sorrowful but passionate song. “The Pool of Memories” is dynamic and complex, pathetic but there’s bit of brightness. “Sunshimmers” is a cheerful and bright song as him. “The Amazon: The Highlands” and “Amazon: The Lawlands” are the two song suit, the suit exactly expresses the river of piano arpeggio.

The masterpiece of Lubomyr Melnyk.

Fallen Trees (Erased Tapes, 2018)

The album is also a representative and the most iconic work of Lubomyr Melnyk, released in 2018. This album wholly featured his virtuoso arpeggio plays. And the music is the cascade of tremendous piano arpeggio!

“Fallen Trees” is a five songs suit of variations by his arpeggio, has a pathetic and passionate mood.

Another masterpiece and the most iconic album of Lubomyr Melnyk.

Resources and Links

Home of Lubomyr Melnyk

Lubomyr Melnyk Pianist/Composer – Homepage

Wikipedia (English)



List of All Music Reviews
Post-classical, New Age, Ambient, Minimal Music, Electronica
(English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano)

Jean-Michel Serres Apfel Café Music QR Codes Center English 2024.

Musikrezension | Werke von Dustin O’Halloran


Dustin O’Halloran is an American composer-pianist born in 1971. He wrote many film scores and TV soundtracks, released five solo albums. O’Halloran major debuted by an EP “Sundoor” from Deutsche Grammophon in 2019, and release the album “Sifur” in 2021.


Piano Solos (2004, Splinter Records)

Das Debüt und das erste Piano-Soloalbum von Dustin O’Harollan, das 2004 erschien. Die gesamte Stimmung dieses Albums ist melancholisch, aber auch einfühlsam und warm. Die Kompositionen sind im traditionellen klassischen Stil gehalten, aber es koexistiert ein ausgefeiltes modernes Melodiegefühl.

“Variazione di un Tango” ist ein Lied mit pathetischen und traurigen, eindrucksvollen Themen und Melodien, und die Struktur und Entwicklung sind gut.

Die Einflüsse und Geschmäcker des Barock (Bach), der Klassik (Morzart, Beethoven) und der Romantik (Schubert, Chopin, Liszt) sind in diesem Album sicherlich vorhanden, aber es gibt einen modernen, intimen und vereinfachten Sinn.Das ist die authentische klassische Musik von heute. Ich denke, die Musik von O’Halloran ähnelt George Winston in der Struktur der Komposition, dem Klavieranschlag und der traurigen Stimmung, aber O’Hallorans Musik besitzt eine klassische Tendenz.

Ich empfehle dieses Album allen, die George Winston mögen.

Piano Solos Vol.2 (2006, Splinter Records / Filter US Records)

Im Gegensatz zu Band 1 betont dieses Album den entspannenden, ruhigen und sanften Geschmack. Fast Lieder sind langsames Tempo, aber süß, fröhlich und erfrischend eher einfache Klavierstück hat die Post-klassische Musik Geschmack.

Diese Musik eignet sich gut zum Meditieren, Kuren und Ausruhen. Ich empfehle dieses Album auch denjenigen, die George Winston mögen,

Ressourcen und Links

Dustin O’Halloran (Official Site)

Deutsch Gramophone – Dustin O’Halloran | Biography

Wikipedia (EN)


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