Lyle Mays (1953 – 2020) was a Jazz Fusion musician, keyboardist and a core member of the Pat Metheny Group. Equal to Metheny, the musical taste of Mays had no smoky and blue taste of Jazz. It’s wonderful and mystic and was more graceful and calm than Metheny. His characteristics were the elegant and smooth piano play, the iconic lyrical lead tone like flute or pan flute by Roland JX-10 synthesizer and his composition had wonderful and refreshing mood. The combination with Pat Metheny, Steve Rodby and other members of the Pat Metheny Group is one of the greatest achievements and the most precious treasures in the Fusion history.
Lyle Mays (Geffen, 1985)
“Lyle Mays” is the first solo album by Lyle Mays, the keyboardist of the Pat Metheny Group.
“Highland Aire” is a gentle and refreshing song features Mays elegant fine piano improvisations and his iconic lyrical Roland JX-10 Super JX sythesizer lead like flute or pan flute.
“Teiko” a particular slow song has multiple ethnic tastes, they are made by ethnic percussions and various synthesizer(s) tones. Mays’ pad accompaniment is technical and very beautiful.
“Slink” is a good Fusion song features Mays’ lead and saxophone solos.
The first of song “Alaskan Suite”, “Northern Lights” is a New Age and Ambient taste song features cute tone(s) of synthesizer, piano improvisation and double base.
The second, “Invocation” is and Ethnic taste and sentimental mood song without rhythm. It begins with samples of wind sound. Mays plays mystic tones and phrases and pad accompaniment by synthesizer(s).
The third, “Ascent” is groovy and dynamic Fusion features saxophone and distorted guitar plays, But there’s the mystic and gentle mood of Mays. Developments in the later part is excellent, equal to them of the Pat Metheny Group.
“Close to Home” is a New Age taste non-rhythm song might be made by dubbing of Mays’ sythensizers and piano only. It begins with synthesizer base and sound effects. Then Mays plays theme by acoustic piano. And pad chord accompaniment follows, Mays’ JX-10 lead takes part in and plays improvisations and phrases. Piano, pad and synth lead plays become dynamic and sync, and the song reaches the peak.
I recommend this album who fonds of Mays’ gentle and mystic taste, its composition, tones and play on the Pat Metheny Group.
Street Dreams (Geffen, 1988)
“Street Dreams” is the second album of Lyle Mays.
“Feet First” is a good smooth and groovy Fusion song.
“August” is a slow beautiful song. Mays plays piano, electric piano and synthesizer pad.
“Chorinho” is a fantastic and amusing song has elements of Jazz, Ragtime and Children’s songs but it’s contemporary and Mays plays a perfect piano solo.
“Hangtime” is cool, smooth and groovy Fusion with delicate arrangement.
“Before You Go” is elegant and groovy Fusion with gorgeous arrangement features Mays’ iconic JX-10 lead play and piano improvisation.
“Newborn” is a non-rhythm song has Ambient and New Age tastes and elements. It’s made by dubbing of Mays’ piano, electric piano, synthesizer pad and vibraphone tones.
“Street Dreams” is a four part suit of World Music and New Taste songs. Part 1 and 3 are abstract sound collages. Part 2 and 4 are songs like the Pat Metheny Group.
A good quality smooth Fusion album with a New Age taste, but it’s usual 80’s one and is not impressive…
Fictionary (Geffen, 1993)
“Fictionary” is an orthodox Jazz piano trio album by Lyle Mays. The taste is contemporary, the quality is very good and sophisticated, it resembles the Chick Corea Akoustic Band and the Keith Jarett Standards Trio.
Solo: Improvisations for Expanded Piano (Warner Music, 2000)
“Solo: Improvisations for Expanded Piano” is a solo album by Lyle Mays and this album made by a MIDI piano, and dubbing and edited by a DAW.
“This Moment” is a dim and abstract Pino improvisation like Contemporary Classical Music, with piano tones reflection and noises.
“Let Me Count The Ways” is a sentimental and refreshing New Age taste Jazz piano solo song.
“We Are All Alone” is avant-garde also elegant abstract piano improvisation with sound collages of piano noises.
“Procession” begins with an accompaniment by piano reflections. An abstract, contemporary taste piano solo follows. Later part, piano and noises make dynamic development.
“Black Ice” is a track like Drone Ambient with a fragmental piano improvisation.
“Lightning Field” is and avant-garde collage with had and dynamic piano plays associate the second Vienna School.
“Locked in Amber” is a gloomy and solitary mood experimental sound collage of modulated piano noises as pedal noises, hummer noises and touch noises, plucks of strings and reflections.
“Long Time” is a gentle and sentimental sophisticated song is consist of excellent piano improvisations and accompaniments of reflections of releases.
A rare and experimental style album by Lyle Mays.
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Music Review
Works of Pat Metheny Group
Music Review
Pat Metheny Solo and Collaboration Works